Saturday, November 18, 2017

Age-Old Pitfalls

I am guilty of succumbing to the syndrome most new bloggers fall victim to: loss of momentum. No posts in, like, forever, right? Well, I became overly concerned with following a preset narrative, one I decided upon myself. I want to describe a narrative of progress and overcoming barriers, not of back-sliding and difficulty, creative blocks and overwhelm.

If you go and read the previous post back in (Holy crap! Just checked!) late July (this is mid-November), you may have gleaned that I was reeling pretty good from a meeting we had. That meeting left us unclear on our path to completion, but I realized (and was told) I had a lot of reworking too do. A lot of art was inconsistent in character depictions and I needed to fix that. This didn't feel like a simple, straight-ahead task. The challenge of it made me very uncomfortable, raising too many questions in my head – about the quality of my work, stylistically how the characters should look – would I have to draw everything over again? – do I have the grit, the stick-to-it-iveness to finish this book?

I have been working on correcting the drawings and straightening out the inconsistencies but it has been slow going. Some weeks - no progress is made, no action taken. In truth, this post itself is a breakthrough. There is a certain shame in having a calling that you are having trouble rising to meet and writing about it helps ease that.

So, yeah. Stay with me. Keep coming back. This is going somewhere. I promise.

The ongoing struggle.