Thursday, November 1, 2018


 This is what I'm up to presently.  I'm embracing the pale blue origin of this book and making sure all the page art, even though it a lot was drawn and scanned on white paper, looks like it is on our light blue stock.

When a page looked like this and this,

now it should look like this and this,

more or less.

Somewhere in the middle of drawing this book and seeking inspiration from other kid lit, I discovered that I really love limited color art design, specifically where the page is one color and printed on it are one, two , or three colors of ink tops with the addition of line art in black or really any color. The fewer colors the artist can get away with using without losing visual interest the more enchanted I am, the more I am drawn to enter the world being created. I can only assume this has to do with the principle that the less information provided in a medium, the more opportunity there will be to activate or draw out the audience's imagination. (Think radio)

So, this is exactly what I'm setting out to do. I'm choosing my limited colors from common risogragh colors (a future post) and seeing how stripped down I can keep the color palette. An added benefit to the style is that I could draw attention to certain objects by choosing to color them and leaving very little else with anything but the light turquoise of the page.

Progress updates to come...

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